Saturday, May 23, 2009

Water and Falling

This past week I've been flooded with inexplicable desires to ride my bike while wearing my bike shorts...and nothing else. Saturday, these longings were dammed as Jaimie and I embarked on a 1.5 hour scooter ride with a waterfall as our ultimate destination and I was fortunate enough to guessed it...nothing but my bike shorts. It felt liberating, let me tell you. We certainly attracted a lot more attention than usual. These are a few buddies (all chewing betel nut, by the way, which turns your teeth an attractive red color) who waved at us as we drove by so we stopped and visited with them. They offered us betel nut and fermented eggs. Ok, they smell fermented and the last time I ate one it was a completely unnatural black color. I declined the offer (mostly because my previous experience with eating one caused me to dry heave for at least 5 minutes prior to, during and after eating).

A backhoe was doing reconstructive surgery on the road we wanted to take, so we were forced to resort to a mountain path that was probably more suited for dirtbikes now that I think about it. Jaimie tried to get me to pretend I didn't speak Chinese so that the backhoe operator would just dismiss us as another pair of stupid foreigners and thus allow us to continue on our merry way. I may have spared myself some embarrassment had I followed her advice. The above-mentioned mountain path decided to eat part of my knee as it was forcefully jammed into the gravel by Jaimie and a falling scooter. A couple of lucky spectators were certainly provided some good entertainment.

Water is so refreshing!

I just finished reading, "The River of Doubt," a travel log documenting Teddy Roosevelt's journey down an uncharted river of the Amazon jungle. It's a fascinating read, however, I must admit that as I was diving underneath the waterfall, I kept having flashbacks to the accounts of people being completely devoured by piranhas. I guess I should've focused more on the time I spent in the Amazon...without being devoured. The mind is such a funny thing.

This spider was beautiful.

This reminded me of all the great times spent cliff jumping in the canals and rivers up home.

P.S. I put my shirt on for the drive home.


  1. Danezie, how could you forget to tell your family about the special thing that you did at the top of the waterfall?

  2. You slut! Those shorts certainly show all your all the wrong ways. jk, you look frikin hott! Just like that spidey. I've taken a recent interest in spiders and insects of the sort. Today, for example, I made a bug collection in the dog food cup. I wanted to see the bugs eat each other. It consisted of 6 ants, 2 spiders(one being a daddy long leg), 1 potatoe bug, 1 earwig, 1 tiny, green caterpillar, and 1 very small jumpy thing. Nothing ate or got eaten, but it was entertaining to watch the ants try to haul off the caterpillar.
    Isn't it funny to totally biff it? It's crazy that I read this post the very day that I indeed biffed it. Hayden, Vin, and I embarked on a bicycle ride this evening. We were being silly and kicking each other and running into each other and stuff. I wanted to seriously injure Vincent so I rode right next to him, brought my arm back, and THWAK! Punched him real good. So hard, in fact, that it threw off my balance, turning my front wheel severely. I ate it hard. My hand, knee, elbow, and face all hit the pavement. My hand got pretty scratched up, but luckily my moneymaker(my beautiful, beautiful face) only got a baby scratch. It hurts to chew though. My very knee looks just like yours. And here's the kicker...Jere Dean saw the whole thing! Haha! Oh the similarities in our stories!
    Also, That cliff jumped looked tho fun. I love myself a good jumping cliff. We'll have to go sometime. Peath out!

  3. Also, very clever title! I just realized it.

  4. I just watched the video and I am so jealous!! I got butterflies just watching you jump! I want to do that and the water looks so clear....maybe we should cliff jump at Cutler? (ha, ha)
