Saturday, March 7, 2009

Thoughts from Dane's Brain

A fire roars.
The thermostat reads 71 degrees Fahrenheit.
Yet I stand here,
clothed in five layers
with a Peruvian winter cap
Just moments before
I stood in the same room
with significantly less clothes
and I felt warmth.

Do you ever wonder if all God ever wanted was for us to garden naked?

How low would the silver mercury dip or how high would it rise when left unshielded and exposed to the elements?

I remove a white-hot log from sunset flames
just to watch it burn itself black.
Maybe then empathy will exist.

I learned in boy scouts (and always hoped I'd find myself with a beautiful woman when it happened)
that the best solution for hypothermia is to strip yourself of all clothing
and lie naked with the victim.

Perhaps that's what I need.


  1. I would definately garden naked.

    It sounds like you might have a fever...
