Thursday, February 26, 2009

Pharisaical Folly

I have one student who seems perpetually doomed, or blessed, depending upon how you look at it, to fall asleep in my class every single day. The poor little guy then has his chair taken from him by the secretaries and is forced to stand for the remainder of class in a feeble attempt to keep him awake and paying attention. Someone definitely needs to do something like that to me...and quickly...before the parents catch wind of their child's teacher snoozing away their $2,000 per semester education. I try to sneak the AC on, but I'm always getting caught and scolded because the school rules say that only if the temperature is above 82.4 degrees fahrenheit may the air be turned on. I swear that it has been at least 82.3 every single sweaty day this week. I think dozing off is my natural defense mechanism against drowning in my own perspiration. I will definitely try to lighten up on my nearly narcoleptic child, though, after experiencing first hand just how difficult it is to stay awake sometimes.

What's your favorite sleeping in school experience?

p.s. vicki...I did some research and it is in fact, 'cheer up sleepy jean.' Maybe subconsciously I was singing it the other way to try to enliven my lethargic self.


  1. Really, you could say anything in that spot.
    For example, "Buck up sleepy jean" "Slim up sleepy jean" "eat up sleepy jean" "stand up" "get up" "seven up" The list goes on and on.

  2. I think the only time I have fallen asleep in any of my classes was in high school seminary! I've wanted to fall asleep and I've had a hard time staying awake in some classes, but the only time I actually had to have someone wake me up from a deep slumber in seminary!! ha ha!

  3. Dane, That is so sad that the poor child has to stand if he falls into a very slumber. He probably is suffering from a mild form of narcolepsy. :( That is a little over the top that you're only allowed to turn on the AC when it is 82.4 degrees. It just goes to show how luxuriously Americans live. It would be very rare for our house to be over 70 in the summer!! psh!
    Oh and about the sleeping story, one time I fell asleep in my 8th grade English class and then the bell rang and guess who didn't hear it... Yup, me. So the next class starts coming in, and luckily a girl was nice enough to tap me on the shoulder and let me know that I was drooling. That's when I realized it was no longer my class. I hurried and grabbed my books and bounced. I was kind of embarassed. It's a good thing this girl was one of my friends. I have no idea why I fell asleep though, seriously, I have never EVER even half way fallen asleep in class before. Who knows what I was doing the night before... Maybe that was the night I snuck out and got pregnant!! HA

  4. Oh the irony! Only a few very short days ago a bery bery funny sleeping story happened to me. I've told a few people and they barely even gave me a courtesy laugh, but unlike them, you have a sense of humor so you'll just love it.
    I had to retake a test after scool(it was a spelling test-hehe jk). After 45 minutes or so my teach sent me and this chica named Kallie to the librury, yes librury, because she had better things to do like watch T.V. When we got there we noticed a not-so-studious kid zonked out on the librury couch. Kallie and I figured that he wouldn't be one to purposely stay after school for any reason whatsoever. We also joked about him missing his bus, and being a librury aide that the librarian didn't like, hence she didn't wake him up. After a few minutes of laughing at him, his phone rang. When he woke up to answer it, he had a "where in the very hell am I" look on his face." I'm pretty sure it was his mom wondering where he was at. Anyway, he was out of there even before he got off the phone. That means he certainly didn't mean to take a 50 minute after school nap in the librury. Okay, so it really wasn't that funny, but it kept me in stitches. LOL.
    Well gosh, it's too darn bad that the little Taywwannesse poopsie can't keep his little Tawwannese eyes open. He should make himself glasses with the paper eyes in the lenses. Those get me every time. They're so realistic. I'm pretty sure they'd fool you and the secretaries.
    Well Daney Waneys, I hope it warms up at least .l degree so that you can engage the AC. Love and best dishes from my kitchen to yours!
