Thursday, June 11, 2009

Cooper...Or As Sharlene Says, "Pooper"

I must modify a previous statement made here on this very blog. Julia won the honors of favorite student, thanks to her lagging attraction, when compared to her classroom counterparts, to sticking her finger into her brain via her nasal cavity (maybe the rest of the students are really Egyptian...I've always thought she looks a bit different than the others). I've now created a new category for favorite student awards: FMSOTY (Favorite Male Student of the Year). Cooper is a definite winner of the FMSOTY.

Cooper's latest fascinations include:

1. Feigning he is a T-Rex and using it as an excuse to leave imprints of his teeth in my epidermis. (which reminds me of the classic elementary school joke to tell someone that their epidermis is showing...almost everyone thought we were referring to something from the maturation program)

B. Impersonating (insert favorite Asian Kung-Fu master name here) and punching me as hard as he can in the knee whenever I say hi to him. Which reminds me of Kung Pao Enter the Fist..."From now on you will refer to me by the name of Betty." Youtube it and truly begin to live.

4. Parroting the teachers as he is continuously being heard telling other students to, "Sit down!" or issuing a stern reprimand of, "No Chinese!" He says it with such concern that you would think the guilty students were going to be hung from the ceiling by their thumbnails...hmmm...jk

2. Actually speaking English, which he didn't do much 6 months ago. He was cute before, but now that he finally communicates, he's adorable.

1 comment:

  1. Auh! Cooper is adorable! Isn't it funny how kids have their little quirks that make them completely irresistable!? Gavin has the ability to take ANY item in ANY room and play make-believe with it. I will never get tired of him dressing up in crazy outfits every single day for no reason at all! The other day, we were at the pool and he asked me to help him put 2 pairs of goggles on his face at the same time. One on top of the other. He looked silly to say the least. When I asked him why he wanted to wear them both, he simply stated "because I look awesome."
    I love that you are able to find the little things (like karate chopping your cankles) that make each child so unique!
