Thursday, January 22, 2009

Fashion Freak

Yes, I did and will continue to wear this out in public. The general style here really suits me. I think I might be secretly Taiwanese, because they seem to do as I do when it comes to wearing clothes. It usually goes like this: MMM, What should I wear today? I really like my purple sweater, so I'll wear that. I also like my maroon corduroy pants. I'll put those on, too. My brown shoes are really comfortable. I HAVE to put those on. I really like the tie that guy gave me in Germany that he said was from his days in the army. Heil, put on the tie. I certainly can't waste the 1 dollar I spent on these sweet suspenders. They need to be used, so they find their way into my garb for the day....etc, etc, etc. One of the secretaries yesterday was wearing flaming purple tights underneath a brown plaid shirt dress thing with yellow shoes. Another one was wearing shin-high socks with tights, pink sandals, a shirt dress thing, and a nice jacket. I think they follow the same philosophy as I do...If you like it, wear it. It doesn't matter what you wear it with. (That's my friend derrick in the background)


  1. daney wanees

    omgiz that is a sweet sweater. i love it so
    mucho sweetie.
    you and me and Hayl's english teacher would get along so well and make a perfect match as far as dressing goes. some of the things she wears:
    pleather pants, jumbo large earrings, corduroy dresses, flowery loose fitting blouses, weird hats, ect. oh and i cant forget to mention her extrememly long hair that goes down to her knees!! yep i said knees. i have started drawing a pic of her each day and hayl is making a collage on the wall in her room. it is going to be just great.

    well things are going super here in cedar city land. it has been quite warm here lately and pretty much all of the snow has melted and it has rained a couple of times so we havent even went snow shoeing yet. lame. but i am loving school and learning a lot in my classed. especially engineering and personal finance. they are a challenge but i like it.
    wayne really?! pokemon omg. i cant believe the very words that come out of your mouth. you are such a silly little girl! ok welp jeff have a great taiwan adventure. c u poopsie.

  2. I think that style is perfect! I don't get where we got the idea that we had to match. I love that they, I guess I should say you-since you're apparantly doing it as well, wear everything that they want. What a happy way to dress!

  3. Dane, I'd have to agree that you are Taywaynees because that outfit is indeed out of control. I enjoy it quite well. I'm not as extreme with my mismatching. Usually I just wear contrasting jackets or footwear. Clearly, I'm only part Taiwaneese. It just hasn't, as the hit song says, "touched my heart" yet. Que depressingo.
    Welp, keep on clothing yourself in craziness!

  4. Remember those Orange corduroy pants you used to have? I could always spot you on campus when you were sporting those pantelones!

    Who is that Wade? He is funny. Hit song...that is good material.

  5. Dearest Vicki with and "i", This is Kaylee, Dane's sister. "Wade" is Dane's little baby brother. Age 18. He is single... welp okay.

  6. :s
    i have no words
    but you know that
    i love the colours and im
    not making crazy mixs because
    of the people opinion (beleve me
    here is worst than usa really)
    i'll take ur style jajaj
    missing uu looco!!
