Tuesday, May 12, 2009


These kids are some of my 'Kindergarten Enrichment' students. KE students generally have no prior exposure to English, so we have to keep things extremely basic. I don't know where this pre-class routine came from, but the kids look forward to making fun of my small muscles more than anything else. They can often be heard chanting, "You're weak! You're weak! You're weak!" I pretend to be uber-offended and proceed to try to break their hands, but they always end up inflicting more pain upon me due to my weakness. Repetition is the best teacher and no matter how hard I try to skirt around it, I'm convinced that I'm stuck doing this routine for the remaining 6 weeks of teaching. The kids would crush me otherwise.


  1. Oh my goodness! That was so wonderful to watch! It's so great to see you interact with your cute little class! You are so not weak though Dane! Kaylee thinks you have very BIG muscles! ps. I can tell you have the ILP method of teaching down! Asking them if they want to shake your hand hard or soft-wonderful!... Great jorb!

  2. Remember how you said Taiiwanese/Chinese people are brutally honest? Welp, those kids know what's up. Your muscles are miniscule(spelling?). Now I'm just teasin' ya! Those fancy oyster yoga moves keep your muscles big and hard. I'm sure aerobic exercise does the same thing. I was at the Logan Rec Center today and walked by a room full of middle aged women aerobicising to "Shorty had them Applebottom jeans, boots with the fur." Let me tell ya, it wasn't pretty. Perhaps aerobics really aren't beneficial.
    That video was very funny to watch. I especially enjoyed when you brought out your hand to be shaken by those nose pickers. They loved it! It was an instant classic! Genius, genius, genius!
